What Are The Best Pickleball Drills For Beginners?

If you’re new to the exciting world of pickleball, you might be wondering, “What are the best pickleball drills for beginners?” Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll dive into some fantastic pickleball drills specifically designed to help beginners improve their skills and build a solid foundation in the game. Whether you’re looking to enhance your footwork, improve your shot accuracy, or develop better strategy, we’ve got you covered with these tried-and-true drills that are sure to take your pickleball game to the next level.

When it comes to learning a new sport, practice makes perfect! And pickleball is no exception. By incorporating these drills into your training routine, you’ll not only enhance your skills but also have a blast while doing it. So, grab your paddle, put on your game face, and get ready to elevate your pickleball game like never before! But first, let’s explore some of the best drills that will set you on the path to pickleball greatness.

What Are the Best Pickleball Drills for Beginners?

Best Pickleball Drills for Beginners

Pickleball is a popular sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It’s a fun and fast-paced game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. If you’re a beginner looking to improve your pickleball skills, incorporating drills into your practice routine can help you develop your technique, agility, and strategy. In this article, we will explore the best pickleball drills for beginners to help you enhance your game and become a more confident player.

1. Dinking Drill

The dinking drill is essential for beginners as it focuses on improving your control and touch. This drill involves hitting the ball gently over the net, aiming for the opponent’s non-volley zone or kitchen. To start, stand at the non-volley zone line and practice hitting the ball softly, keeping it low and close to the net. The goal is to maintain a rally with your partner, focusing on precision rather than power. This drill will help you develop your dinking skills, which are crucial for maintaining control and setting up strategic shots during a game.

Benefits of the Dinking Drill

By practicing the dinking drill, beginners can improve their touch and control over the ball. This drill helps you develop a soft touch, allowing you to place the ball accurately and strategically. It also trains you to maintain a consistent rhythm and control the pace of the game. Mastering the dinking technique will give you an advantage in rallies, as you can force your opponents to make errors or create opportunities for smashes and winners.

Tips for the Dinking Drill

To make the most of the dinking drill, here are some tips to keep in mind:
1. Focus on keeping the ball low and close to the net.
2. Use a relaxed grip and a gentle stroke to control the ball.
3. Aim for your opponent’s non-volley zone to put them on the defensive.
4. Practice with a partner who can challenge you with accurate shots.
5. Gradually increase the speed and intensity of the drill as you become more comfortable.

2. Groundstroke Drill

The groundstroke drill is perfect for beginners who want to improve their baseline shots and footwork. This drill involves hitting forehands and backhands from the baseline, focusing on consistency and accuracy. Start by standing at the baseline and rally with your partner, aiming to keep the ball in play. Focus on maintaining a good stance, using proper footwork, and making clean contact with the ball. This drill will help you develop your groundstroke technique and build your confidence in hitting consistent shots from the back of the court.

Benefits of the Groundstroke Drill

Practicing the groundstroke drill can significantly improve your baseline game. It helps you develop the muscle memory and control needed for consistent and accurate shots. This drill also enhances your footwork as you learn to position yourself correctly to hit the ball. By mastering your groundstrokes, you’ll be able to rally longer, defend against aggressive shots, and set up offensive opportunities during a game.

Tips for the Groundstroke Drill

To maximize the benefits of the groundstroke drill, consider these tips:
1. Focus on using proper footwork, stepping into the shots and transferring your weight.
2. Maintain a balanced stance and keep your eye on the ball.
3. Practice hitting both forehands and backhands with equal proficiency.
4. Gradually increase the pace and intensity of the drill as you improve your skills.
5. Experiment with different grips and shot angles to expand your repertoire.

3. Serve and Return Drill

The serve and return drill is crucial for beginners to develop their serving and returning skills. This drill involves practicing your serves and returning your opponent’s serves. Start by focusing on your serve technique, aiming for consistency and accuracy. Once you’ve mastered your serve, take turns with your partner, returning each other’s serves. Focus on reading your opponent’s serve and returning the ball with control and placement. This drill will help you improve your serve and return game, which are essential for gaining an advantage in a match.

Benefits of the Serve and Return Drill

By practicing the serve and return drill, beginners can enhance their serving and returning skills. This drill allows you to refine your serve technique, develop different types of serves, and establish a consistent placement strategy. Additionally, it helps you improve your ability to read your opponent’s serve and make accurate returns. By mastering the serve and return, you’ll be able to start the point on your terms and put pressure on your opponents.

Tips for the Serve and Return Drill

To make the most of the serve and return drill, consider the following tips:
1. Focus on a consistent toss and a fluid service motion.
2. Experiment with different types of serves, such as a slice, topspin, or flat serve.
3. Practice returning serves from different positions and angles on the court.
4. Pay attention to your opponent’s serve and anticipate their shot selection.
5. Gradually increase the speed and difficulty of the serves and returns as you improve.

4. Volleying Drill

The volleying drill is essential for beginners to improve their net play and reflexes. This drill involves practicing volleys, which are shots that are hit before the ball bounces. Start at the non-volley zone line and rally with your partner, focusing on hitting volleys accurately and with control. Keep your wrists firm and your eye on the ball to make clean contact. This drill will help you develop your net game, allowing you to be more aggressive and take control of the point.

Benefits of the Volleying Drill

Practicing the volleying drill can significantly improve your net play and reflexes. This drill helps you develop the hand-eye coordination and quick reactions needed for successful volleys. It also enhances your ability to control the pace and direction of the ball, making it difficult for your opponents to defend. By mastering volleys, you’ll be able to dominate the net and finish points with powerful winners.

Tips for the Volleying Drill

To get the most out of the volleying drill, consider these tips:
1. Maintain a ready position at the net, with your knees slightly bent and your racket up.
2. Focus on hitting the ball out in front of your body to maintain control.
3. Practice both forehand and backhand volleys to develop all-around skills.
4. Challenge yourself by varying the speed and direction of your volleys.
5. Gradually increase the intensity and pace of the drill to simulate match conditions.

5. Shadowing Drill

The shadowing drill is a unique and effective way to improve your footwork and movement on the court. This drill involves mimicking the movements and footwork of a more experienced player. Stand on one side of the court and observe a skilled player’s footwork and positioning. Then, try to replicate their movements on your side of the court. This drill will help you develop agility, balance, and court awareness, allowing you to move more efficiently during a game.

Benefits of the Shadowing Drill

Practicing the shadowing drill can have numerous benefits for beginners. It helps you develop your footwork by mimicking the movements of a skilled player. This drill also improves your court awareness as you learn to anticipate and react to different shots and situations. By mastering your footwork, you’ll be able to reach more balls, maintain good positioning, and execute shots more effectively.

Tips for the Shadowing Drill

To make the most of the shadowing drill, consider these tips:
1. Observe and study the footwork of skilled players through videos or live matches.
2. Focus on replicating their movements, footwork, and positioning on your side of the court.
3. Start with slow and controlled movements, gradually increasing the speed and intensity.
4. Practice shadowing with different players to learn from various playing styles.
5. Combine the shadowing drill with other drills to enhance your overall game.


In conclusion, incorporating drills into your pickleball practice routine is essential for beginners looking to improve their skills. The dinking drill develops touch and control, while the groundstroke drill enhances baseline shots and footwork. The serve and return drill focuses on serving and returning skills, and the volleying drill improves net play and reflexes. Finally, the shadowing drill helps develop footwork and court awareness. By regularly practicing these drills, beginners can enhance their technique, agility, and strategy, ultimately becoming more confident and skilled players on the pickleball court.

Key Takeaways: What Are the Best Pickleball Drills for Beginners?

  • Start with the basics: Focus on learning proper grip, footwork, and body positioning.
  • Practice serves and returns: Develop accuracy and consistency with your shots.
  • Work on dinking: Master the soft touch shots for better control and placement.
  • Engage in volleys: Improve your reflexes and hand-eye coordination.
  • Play mini-games: Have fun and apply your skills in game-like situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some basic pickleball drills for beginners?

When starting out with pickleball, it’s important for beginners to focus on building a strong foundation of skills. Here are some basic pickleball drills that can help beginners improve their game:

1. Dink and Drop Drill: This drill focuses on improving control and accuracy. Players stand at the non-volley zone line and practice hitting soft shots (dinks) over the net, aiming for the opponent’s non-volley zone. The goal is to keep the ball low and close to the net, making it difficult for the opponent to return.

2. Groundstroke Drill: This drill helps beginners develop their groundstroke technique. Players stand at the baseline and practice hitting forehand and backhand shots, focusing on proper footwork, racket position, and follow-through. The goal is to hit consistent shots with good depth and control.

How can a beginner improve their pickleball serve?

Improving the serve is crucial for beginners to gain an advantage in pickleball. Here are a few tips to help beginners improve their serve:

1. Practice Toss and Contact: Start by practicing the toss and contact motion without hitting the ball. Focus on a consistent toss and making clean contact with the ball. Gradually increase the speed and power of the serve.

2. Target Practice: Set up targets on the opposite side of the court and aim to hit them with your serve. This will help improve accuracy and control. Start with larger targets and gradually make them smaller as you become more proficient.

What are some drills to improve pickleball footwork for beginners?

Good footwork is essential in pickleball to move quickly and efficiently around the court. Here are a couple of drills that can help beginners improve their footwork:

1. Agility Ladder Drill: Set up an agility ladder on the ground and practice moving your feet quickly through the rungs. This drill helps improve foot speed, coordination, and agility.

2. Cone Drill: Set up cones in a zigzag pattern on the court and practice moving quickly from one cone to the next. Focus on quick changes of direction and maintaining balance and control.

How can beginners improve their pickleball volleys?

Having strong volleys is crucial in pickleball, especially near the net. Here are a few drills to help beginners improve their volleys:

1. Two-Person Volley Drill: Stand at the non-volley zone line with a partner and practice volleying back and forth. Start with slow and controlled volleys, focusing on proper technique and hand-eye coordination. Gradually increase the speed and intensity of the volleys.

2. Wall Volley Drill: Stand close to a wall and practice volleying against it. This drill helps improve reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and control.

What are some drills to improve pickleball strategy for beginners?

Developing a good strategy is important in pickleball to outsmart opponents. Here are a few drills to help beginners improve their pickleball strategy:

1. Singles vs. Doubles Drill: Play both singles and doubles matches to understand the differences in strategy. Singles requires more court coverage and strategic shot placement, while doubles focuses on teamwork and positioning.

2. Game Situations Drill: Simulate different game situations during practice, such as being down in points or playing against a more skilled opponent. This drill helps beginners think strategically and adapt their game plan accordingly.

Top 3 Beginner Pickleball Drills with Pro Coach Mark Price and Pickleball Central

Final Thoughts: The Best Pickleball Drills for Beginners

And there you have it, folks! We’ve covered a variety of fun and effective pickleball drills that are perfect for beginners looking to improve their skills on the court. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your hand-eye coordination, footwork, or strategy, these drills have got you covered.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and consistency is key. By incorporating these drills into your training routine, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-notch pickleball player. So grab your paddle, gather some friends, and get ready to elevate your game!

In conclusion, the best pickleball drills for beginners are the ones that challenge you, keep you engaged, and help you develop essential skills. From the “Dinks and Drops” drill to the “King of the Court” game, there are endless options to choose from. Don’t be afraid to mix things up and tailor your training to your specific needs.

Keep in mind that while drills are important, they should always be accompanied by proper technique, warm-up exercises, and rest days to prevent injuries. So go out there, have fun, and enjoy the exciting journey of mastering the wonderful sport of pickleball!

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