Common Mistakes To Avoid In Pickleball For Beginners

If you’re a beginner in the world of pickleball, you may be excited to dive right in and start playing. But hold your horses! Before you hit the court, it’s important to be aware of some common mistakes that beginners often make. By avoiding these pitfalls, you’ll be able to improve your skills and enjoy the game even more. In this article, we’ll explore the top mistakes to avoid in pickleball for beginners, so you can start off on the right foot and become a pro in no time!

When it comes to pickleball, there’s a learning curve for everyone. From improper grip techniques to positioning on the court, beginners often make mistakes that can hinder their progress. But fear not, my pickleball-loving friend! We’re here to guide you through these common missteps and help you avoid them like a pro. Whether you’re struggling with your serves, struggling with your returns, or struggling to keep up with the fast-paced nature of the game, we’ve got you covered. So, grab your paddle, put on your game face, and let’s dive into the world of pickleball, one mistake at a time!

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Pickleball for Beginners

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Pickleball for Beginners

Pickleball is a popular sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. It’s easy to learn and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. However, like any sport, there are common mistakes that beginners often make. In this article, we will discuss some of these mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them, so you can improve your pickleball game and have more fun on the court.

1. Using Too Much Power

One of the most common mistakes beginners make in pickleball is using too much power. While it’s natural to want to hit the ball as hard as possible, this can actually work against you. Pickleball is a game of finesse and control, and using excessive power can result in the ball going out of bounds or into the net. Instead, focus on using controlled and consistent shots. This will not only help you keep the ball in play but also allow you to better anticipate your opponent’s shots.

Another mistake related to power is trying to hit winners from difficult positions. Instead of attempting a difficult shot, try to regain control of the point by hitting a high-percentage shot that keeps the ball in play. This will give you a better chance to set up a winning shot later in the rally.


To improve your shot control, practice hitting the ball with different levels of power. Focus on hitting the ball at a comfortable pace and aim for consistency rather than power. This will help you develop better shot placement and improve your overall game.

2. Standing Too Close to the Net

Another common mistake beginners make in pickleball is standing too close to the net. While being close to the net can give you an advantage in certain situations, it can also leave you vulnerable to shots that are hit past you. It’s important to maintain a balanced position on the court, which means standing slightly behind the baseline. This will give you more time to react to your opponent’s shots and allow you to cover more ground.

Additionally, standing too close to the net can limit your ability to hit deep shots. By staying back, you’ll have more room to generate power and hit shots that push your opponent deep into their own court. This will give you more control over the rally and increase your chances of winning points.


During practice sessions, focus on maintaining a balanced position on the court. Pay attention to your footwork and make sure you’re not creeping too close to the net. By staying back and maintaining a balanced position, you’ll be able to react more effectively to your opponent’s shots and improve your overall game.

3. Neglecting the Soft Game

Pickleball is not just about power and speed. The soft game, which involves using drop shots, dinks, and lobs, is an important aspect of the sport. Beginners often neglect the soft game and focus solely on hitting hard shots. However, incorporating soft shots into your game can give you a significant advantage.

Drop shots, for example, can catch your opponent off guard and force them to move quickly to the net. Dinks, which are shots that barely clear the net, can be used to control the pace of the game and put your opponent on the defensive. Lobs, on the other hand, can be used to push your opponent back and create opportunities for attacking shots.


Practice incorporating soft shots into your game. Focus on developing touch and feel with your paddle, and experiment with different angles and speeds. By adding the soft game to your repertoire, you’ll become a more well-rounded player and be able to adapt to different playing styles.

4. Not Communicating with Your Partner

If you’re playing doubles pickleball, communication with your partner is crucial. Many beginners make the mistake of not communicating effectively, which can lead to confusion and missed opportunities. By communicating with your partner, you can coordinate your movements, strategize, and cover each other’s weaknesses.

Make sure to establish a system of signals or calls to indicate who will take certain shots and when to switch positions on the court. This will help you avoid collisions and ensure that both you and your partner are in the best position to make plays.


Before each match, take a few minutes to discuss your game plan with your partner. Establish a clear system of communication and make sure you’re on the same page. By working together and communicating effectively, you’ll be able to maximize your performance as a team.

5. Not Warming Up Properly

Lastly, one common mistake beginners make is not warming up properly before playing pickleball. Warm-up exercises are essential to prepare your muscles and joints for the physical demands of the game. Skipping the warm-up can increase your risk of injury and negatively affect your performance.

Before each match or practice session, take the time to perform dynamic stretches and exercises that target the muscles used in pickleball. This will help increase your flexibility, improve your reaction time, and reduce the risk of strains or sprains.


Incorporate a warm-up routine into your pickleball sessions. Start with some light cardio exercises to get your heart rate up, followed by dynamic stretches and movements that mimic the actions of pickleball. This will help prepare your body for the game and improve your overall performance.

By avoiding these common mistakes, beginners can improve their pickleball skills and enjoy the game even more. Remember to focus on control and consistency, maintain a balanced position on the court, incorporate the soft game into your strategy, communicate effectively with your partner, and warm up properly before playing. With practice and dedication, you’ll become a skilled pickleball player in no time.

Key Takeaways: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Pickleball for Beginners

  • 1. Avoid gripping the paddle too tightly, as it can affect your control and accuracy.
  • 2. Don’t stand too close to the net, give yourself enough space to react and make shots.
  • 3. Avoid hitting the ball too hard all the time, focus on placement and control instead.
  • 4. Don’t forget to communicate with your partner, teamwork is crucial in pickleball.
  • 5. Avoid being too predictable with your shots, mix it up to keep your opponents guessing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions that beginners often have when it comes to avoiding mistakes in pickleball:

1. How can I avoid hitting the ball into the net?

One of the most common mistakes beginners make in pickleball is hitting the ball into the net. To avoid this, it’s important to focus on your technique and positioning. Make sure you are standing in the correct position with your knees slightly bent and your weight evenly distributed. When you swing at the ball, aim to make contact with the center of the paddle and follow through with your shot. Practicing your technique and getting comfortable with the proper form will help you avoid hitting the ball into the net.

Additionally, pay attention to your timing. It’s important to time your swing correctly so that you make contact with the ball at the right moment. Practice your timing by starting with slower shots and gradually increasing the pace as you get more comfortable.

2. What should I do to prevent hitting the ball out of bounds?

Hitting the ball out of bounds is another common mistake beginners make in pickleball. To prevent this, focus on your aim and control. When hitting the ball, aim for the center of the court and try to keep the ball low and in play. Avoid swinging too hard or using excessive power, as this can cause the ball to go out of bounds.

Additionally, work on your footwork and positioning. Make sure you are in the right position to hit the ball and adjust your positioning based on where the ball is coming from. Being in the right position will help you have better control over your shots and reduce the chances of hitting the ball out of bounds.

3. How can I avoid getting caught out of position?

Being out of position is a common mistake that beginners make in pickleball. To avoid this, focus on your movement and anticipation. Pay attention to where your opponents are hitting the ball and anticipate where it is likely to go next. This will help you get in the right position and be ready to make a play.

Additionally, communicate with your partner and work together to cover the court. Make sure you are aware of each other’s positions and responsibilities. By communicating and coordinating your movements, you can reduce the chances of getting caught out of position.

4. What should I do to avoid rushing my shots?

Rushing your shots is a mistake that can lead to errors in pickleball. To avoid this, focus on your timing and patience. Take your time to set up your shots and wait for the ball to come to you. Avoid lunging or reaching for the ball, as this can throw off your timing and result in errors.

Additionally, practice good shot selection. Instead of going for difficult shots or trying to hit winners, focus on making consistent and controlled shots. By being patient and choosing the right shots, you can avoid rushing and increase your chances of success.

5. How can I avoid being too predictable in my shots?

Being too predictable in your shots is a common mistake that can make it easier for your opponents to anticipate and counter your shots. To avoid this, focus on varying your shots and keeping your opponents guessing.

Try to mix up your shot selection by using different angles, speeds, and spins. This will make it harder for your opponents to anticipate your shots and give you a competitive edge. Additionally, work on developing a strong dink game. Dinking involves hitting soft shots close to the net, which can be difficult for opponents to counter. By incorporating dinking into your strategy, you can keep your opponents on their toes and avoid being too predictable in your shots.

6 Common Pickleball Mistakes New Players Make (And How to Avoid Them)

Final Summary: Avoid these Common Mistakes and Ace Pickleball as a Beginner!

Congratulations on taking the first step to becoming a pickleball pro! By learning about the common mistakes to avoid, you’re already ahead of the game. Remember, pickleball is a fun and exciting sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. To ensure you have a great experience on the court, it’s essential to steer clear of these common pitfalls.

One of the most significant mistakes beginners make in pickleball is not understanding the importance of proper footwork. Remember, pickleball is a game of quick movements and agility. To maximize your performance, focus on positioning yourself correctly to anticipate shots and react swiftly. Another common mistake is neglecting the importance of paddle grip. Your grip can greatly impact your control, power, and accuracy. Experiment with different grips and find the one that feels most comfortable and secure for you.

Furthermore, many beginners fall into the trap of trying to hit every ball with maximum power. While power is important, it’s crucial to strike a balance between power and control. Instead of swinging for the fences every time, focus on hitting the ball with precision and accuracy. Additionally, don’t forget to communicate and coordinate with your partner. Effective communication and teamwork are key to success in pickleball doubles. Keep an open line of communication and work together to strategize and cover the court efficiently.

In conclusion, by avoiding these common mistakes in pickleball, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled player. Remember to prioritize footwork, master your paddle grip, find the right balance between power and control, and communicate effectively with your partner. Embrace the learning process, have fun on the court, and soon enough, you’ll be dominating pickleball matches like a pro!

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